Monday, November 13, 2006


Check out for the beautiful photo slideshow of SBCOM faculty, staff and students. Thanks Ricky!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


There will be a short slide show of photos posted on soon. Anyone have a good recommendation for song to play in the background?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Giovanni is Still Coming to Santa Barbara

Giovanni will still be coming in February to do his Clinic and Seminar!! Don't miss this unique and last opportunity to learn with SBCOM.Please call us at 898-1180 if you have any questions.

good way to start today

"This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and enterain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of it's furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight." --Rumi

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Got a message for the blog?

If you have questions or information you would like me to post on the blog, just email me the info at and I will post it.

What Patients are saying about our clinic

I have gotten a handful of emails from patients of our clinic stating their sadness regarding the college closing. Feel free to share you thoughts on this blog anonymously if you would like to share you experiences and feelings about the SBCOM clinic and the services it provides whether you intern or work there or are a patient.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Thanks Meaghan and Michael!

I had an acupuncture treatment this morning with Meaghan and Michael at SBCOM -- thank you for the stress reliever guys! I feel better today!

Students are brainstorming

SBCOM students are in brainstorm mode trying to figure out how to get funds to keep the school open. The question that gets asked over and over is how can such a great resource like the school, offering clinic services to those who really need it, be closed due to budget given the wealth in this town. One of the answers to this question is that there are so many other great charities in SB that people support. I have also heard many students say "What about Oprah?" Poor Oprah...every nonprofit I've worked for has called upon her. Emailing Oprah certainly can't hurt and I say -- go for it! can't hurt. However, I don't think she's the answer to our challenge; if there were someone out there, I think it may be someone we would least expect. Has Oprah even ever tried acupuncture -- hey, we'll certainly offer a free treatment for her to try it out! In the meantime -- enjoy all of the emails coming your way Oprah!

Melissa's last day is Monday

My last day at SBCOM is Monday; if you would like to be in touch with me, please email me at Feel free to share your email address on this blog as well. I will still be "floating" around the office however for the next month helping out, so you might still reach me there.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Your thoughts on SBCOM

Well, I'm not quite sure how to "casually" blog such bad news, but chances are you've already heard from a friend, been to the meeting or read the letter -- As of last night, the Board of Directors decided to close the college. At the risk of sounding cliche, I do believe everything happens for a reason, but it doesn't change the sadness felt right now by the faculty, staff and students. SBCOM will finish this term which ends December 12th; students in their last year will do a "teach out" program and the remainder of students will transfer to another acupuncture college. The clinic hopes to serve the community through the spring and summer. After 25 years in business, the college is closing due to a decrease in enrollment which has proved to be a trend among all acupuncture colleges. However, SBCOM faces another challenge -- high cost of living. Many students want to be here, but cannot afford it. The support last night and today has been overwhelming and appreciated by all of us. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers regarding the SBCOM community and feel free to share you thoughts on this blog.


The admissions open house scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

FREE Health Lecture Friday

Topic: Acupuncture treats more than pain
Lecturer: Gayatri Heeson, L.Ac.
Date and time: Friday, November 3rd, 7-9pm
Location: 1919 State Street, classroom building
for info: 898-1180

Open House SATURDAY!

There will an an ADMISSIONS OPEN HOUSE this SATURDAY from 1-2 in Classroom 3 at 1919 State Street. Cathy McNease, the Herb Clinic Director and Dan Diamond, the Academic Dean will be presenting on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. We will also discuss admission requirements into our Master's program -- APPLY NOW, CLASSES START JANUARY 8TH! For more information, call 805-898-1180.